The Casino Food Co-op is proud to launch their inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Chairman, John Seccombe said, “this is a significant milestone as we continue to play our role in reconciliation.” The Casino Food Co-op joins a network of more than 1,100 corporate, government, and not-for-profit organizations that have made a formal commitment to reconciliation through the RAP program.
“Endorsed by Reconciliation Australia on 9th September 2022, our Reflect RAP recognises and acknowledges Australia’s First Peoples and demonstrates our journey to continue to build inclusive and sustainable relationships which are mutually beneficial,” John Seccombe said.
“To bring our RAP to life we created a RAP working group consisting of Dan Smith, Anne Toohey, Trevor Kenny, Stephen Fergusson, Lisa Walker & Troy Freeburn. We engaged Tracey Piccoli a proud Bundjalung woman and artist from Casino to help tell the story of our reconciliation journey. Tracey is the daughter of Brian Olive, one of our long serving employees here at the Co-operative. We are delighted with the artwork which we will treasure for years to come as a reminder of our heritage and region”, John said.
The artwork symbolizes many things:
The outer green circle represents everyone’s connection to local Country and the land. The middle red circle represents all people connecting with each other who work at the Co-op. The orange centre circle represents everyone’s connection to the river. The Platypus represents the centre of our community. Our connection to our totem and to the local community people. The four blue circles signifies that we are all connected.
“Our reconciliation journey to date has been organic, rather than concerted. Committing to a Reflect RAP allows us to be more proactive in our efforts towards reconciliation”, John Seccombe said. Some of the activities to support & celebrate Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people, as well as internal activities and initiatives of the Co-op include:
- Sponsoring of sporting teams, such as Casino RSM Junior rugby league club who has over 35% Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander players.
- Involvement with Naidoc week and National Reconciliation week.
- Partnering with TAFE NSW to develop and implement Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Traineeship’s pathways. Currently we have 50 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people employed on site.
- Onsite mentoring program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This program is about supporting and recognising their needs in an endeavour to keep them employed.
On this reconciliation journey, we will continue to foster an inclusive environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We will continue to build an inclusive and diverse workforce where everybody’s contribution is valued. We will continue to build respectful and inclusive relationships through our projects and activities. We will continue to provide our workforce with the skills and knowledge to be culturally responsive to the communities where we live and work.
The launch of this RAP is a very proud moment, and we thank everyone who has worked to bring this together and the many people who will continue to form and nurture important relationships in the years to come, said John Seccombe.
Visit www.thecasinofoodcoop.com.au to view our RAP or https://www.reconciliation.org.au/reconciliation-action-plans/who-has-a-rap/#who-has-rap-results