Licence Reporting

We are committed to producing Quality product in a Safe & Sustainable way.
The health and welfare of animals on site is of primary importance at all stages of our livestock handling.
Food safety is a top priority at the Casino Food Co-op. Our Approved Arrangement is underpinned by a comprehensive Quality Assurance program applied extensively throughout the entire process.
The Co-op maintains an effective Risk Management Framework with the objective of creating a safe working environment.
For further information contact our head office on (02) 6662 2444 or

The Casino Food Co-op is committed to maintaining a sustainable, profitable and diversified business.
We have set clear, measurable targets to reduce our environmental footprint, including our consumption of energy, water and the value-adding of waste streams. We are committed to ensuring that we meet the highest standard of environmental performance, including relevant legislative and customer requirements. We are committed to continuously improving our environmental performance and our carbon footprint.
The Co-operative has also achieved significant environmental improvement over recent years. Some examples of these improvements include:
- Cleaner production strategies in the wet-blue tannery operation have reduced water use and considerably improved the wastewater quality
- NSW Government Sustainable Energy Development Authority initiative, winners of bronze, silver and gold awards for energy savings category
- Energy Saving Plans have seen energy savings projects implemented to reduce electricity use
- A member of the Australian Greenhouse Office – ‘Greenhouse Challenge Program’
- Solid waste, which was previously disposed of in landfill, has been converted into a high value soil conditioner
- A water reuse scheme implemented at the Casino site has seen millions of litres of fresh water saved Year on year

The Casino Food Co-op (Establishment 239) is approved by the US Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS) and the European Union (EU) to produce for export, bovine meat & offal. We hold licences to process for the niche markets of Halal, Saudia Halal and Organic and export to over 16 countries & 28 EU member countries.
We are certified and regularly undergo audited accreditations with Ausmeat, Halal, Organic, Bio-dynamic, Breed Specific (including Angus, Wagyu), Burger Restaurant Chains and major domestic retailers. Our unique market access programs for meat and offal are third-party audited for compliance to the highest regulatory and customer standards, both domestic and international.
A unique identification number allocated to each animal allows for the collection of health and quality data throughout the processing steps. This process ensures we are able to provide feedback to producers that allow them to monitor the health of their herd. This process also provides for traceability from the supply chain back to an individual farm. Our certified and regularly audited accreditations include Ausmeat, Free Range, Restaurant Chains and major domestic retailers.
Approved Arrangement Certificate
HACCP Statement of Compliance/Supply letter of Guarantee
Public Liability Insurance Certificate
Australian Packaging Covenant 2022 Annual Report and Action Plan
Booyong – Approved Arrangements
Booyong Certificate of Registration